Hey y'all!! So yesterday Kassie form the fabulous Unique-Desire tagged me in a Disney Princess post. I'll be honest, I'm not really much of a Disney fan...or a Princess for that matter!! But I thought what the heck, I'll give it a go. I Love Kassies blog, she creates some absolutely stunning looks so I really wanted to do her proud!! I thought I was going to struggle for inspiration as the only Disney thing I have ever Loved is Alice In Wonderland. I loved the book when I was a child (ahem even still now haha) and have loved all the different re-creations of it since. So imagine my glee when I took the challenge and discovered I was Alice - Yay. The questions were as follows...
*You have/had long blond hair...Check!
*You constantly day dream of another world...Always getting told off for daydreaming
*You have an active imagination...VIVID!!
*You’re very curious...This has often got the better of me :S
*You try to show off your knowledge...Hopefully in a way that helps others "/
*You are polite or talk very formally...I was brought up well haha
*You don’t like books without picture...Not true!! I love all books
*You love or have a cat...The gorgeous fuddah
*You tend to act more mature than your age...Mostly!! I have my moments though
*You have been told that you’re mad or not right in your head...Ha not to my face!!
So that gave me 8/10 which was the highest score I got for any of them. I've not included all the other Princess questions, but if you want to see them please pop over to Kassies blog and take a look. After you've answered all the questions you then have to do a look inspired by your Disney Princess. Now...those of you that know me will know I'm probably closer to Callow Lilys Alice as opposed to Disneys!! So what I tried to do was take inspiration from both, along with some of the scenery and other characters.
So anyway here's my final look...
I tried to make it look like I was falling down the rabbit hole. So whadayathink? For this I'm going to tag everyone that reads this, that wants to do it. Don't let not being a Disney lover put you off...it's fun.
Speak soon xx
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