It's been a while!! Hope your all doing well. Lots of things have happened while I've been away, I've been a busy bee :D First off it was my birthday, admittedly this was a while ago now though, but I had the best time. I got lots of lovely prezzies including...
The Urban Decay NYC Palette...

some beautiful roses...

a copy of Alex Box by Rankin

Tickets to a Kirsty Meakin workshop, aaaand lots of other things. It was fab! I saw all my family and friends over the weekend, but on my actual birthday I got to stay in bed. Heaven!!

If only my bed was actually like this...

And I got cake so I was a happy girl (not this cake, but cakes cake right!) :D

I met Alex Box...Eeeeeeeeee!! Which was incredible. It's not the first time I've met her, but I tend to get a bit star struck so I didn't really speak last time, I just stared in awe. This time though I was a bit more composed and managed to actually get a few words out. She's so incredibly talented, but what amazes me most is how down to earth and genuine she is. I talked to her about getting into the makeup industry and she gave me some really honest but encouraging advice, then Alex signed my book, which made me so happy :D

After this I was contacted about a blog feature!! The beautiful and very talented Madi over at
The M Face interviewed me and did a post about my blog :O I was so flattered, not to mention really shocked. I love Madi's blog, we seem to share a love of feathers, glitter and a touch of the dramatic so there's no surprises there really. If you haven't checked out Madi's blog please do, she's one talented cookie, I guarantee you'll like what you see.

Then, oh yes theres more, I decided to stop playing at being a nail tech and go for broke (hopefully not though ay!!) . I've acually taken the plunge and set up my own business. I've ditched the security blanket a.k.a my full time job, and have set up my business operating out of a very busy Salon in a town near where I live. I launch in two weeks and I'm a nervous wreck :S I work really hard though and I've got a lot of great support behind me so I know I'll do well. Fingers crossed though all the same. I actually hide my hands every time I tell someone I'm a nail tech at the min cos I have no nails left :S
So thats where I'm at and what I've been up to. Hope your all having lots of exciting adventures of your own. Coming up I've got some new makeup looks and designs for nail art so keep checking in. Speak soon xx