So lets start with the good...
Firstly I graduated from my L&P course at the Creative Academy which I was so excited about. Then I went on a Minx and a Shellac workshop which was fun (more about them in a future post)
After that I had a couple of days off so I decided to organise a treasure hunt for some of my neices and nephews. They all dressed up like Pirates (they looked so cute) and I made them little clues and we traipsed off around the neighbourhood looking for Treasure. It was so much fun and at the end we had a party :)
This is where it starts to go bad...After the party I decided to take them paddling in the river near my house. I was safely spectating from the embankment whilst the kids paddled in the water. There I was telling them all to be careful, not to fall in cos they wouldnt wanna walk the two miles home soaking wet, and then what did I go and do....Yep I fell in!! I was trying to help my nephew across the last stepping stone on to the embankment and I lost my footing and belly flopped straight in!! At the time it was funny, there was another family there and they fished me out, we all laughed and off we went, I thought everything was fine. Later that day my whole body went into shock and completely seized up!! I couldn't move my leg or my arm and I had a really bad chill. This went on for days and I ended up being really ill :(

Off the back of that I got a really bad cough and cold and then came the face full of cold sores. I hate them so much. They make me want to cry and hide away like a hermit until they're gone. They hurt so much (more than falling in the river I might add) and they're so damn UGLY!! I didn't want to post a picture of some ugly cold sores so heres some pretty Bluebells from the woods :D

Cos I felt so rough I haven't done any looks or posts but now I'm better and I've got a look to share with you :D Its continuing on from the trip to the zoo (which seems ages ago now). Todays look is based on a Lizzard I saw whilst I was there (I think its a Monitor Lizzard but I cant remember now).
Heres the look...

This is the bad boy we saw at the zoo. I had to use a pic from their site as I didnt get any decent shots myself.

And heres my interpretation

I tried to recreate the scales through some net but it wasn't as easy as I thought it was gonna be :S

If I could change anything I wouldn't have put the scales on the outer section of the eye. Nevermind...
Products I used:
Mac Blacktrack fluidline as a base and liner, bright green and black from the Sleek Acid pallete, Mac Old Gold Pigment over the black, Mac Vanilla as a highlight and Urban Decay Heavy metal glitter liner in Mullet under the eye.
Hope you like it xx